Here’s a video by a physician who provides some simple basic facts about Covid 19 that will help educate and reduce fear.

Here’s a video by a physician who provides some simple basic facts about Covid 19 that will help educate and reduce fear.
The current Covid-19 or coronavirus pandemic creates worry and fear for everyone. However there are many things that can be done to better weather this emotional storm. Here I explain the behaviors that can intensify our anxiety and those that can help reduce anxiety. There are many simple behaviors we can choose to help improve our physical, as well as emotional immune systems to make us more resistant to physical and emotional distress or illness.
The current Covid-19 or coronavirus pandemic creates worry and fear for everyone. People who are prone to these 2 negative thinking habits have a harder time dealing with their anxiety.
The current Covid-19 or coronavirus pandemic creates worry and fear for everyone. People with chronic anxiety have a more difficult time with it due to less ability for self-comforting compared to the rest of the population.
Demonstration of Emotional Freedom Techniques – or “Tapping” to reduce our anxiety about the current coronavirus pandemic, and restore greater sense of calm, well being, and peace of mind.